Easter Is Not Named After Ishtar, And Other Truths I Have To Tell You

28 Mar

If there is one thing that drives me absolutely bananas, it’s people spreading misinformation via social media under the guise of “educating”. I’ve seen this happen in several ways – through infographics that twist data in ways that support a conclusion that is ultimately false, or else through “meaningful” quotes falsely attributed to various celebrities, or by cobbling together a few actual facts with statements that are patently untrue to create something that seems plausible on the surface but is, in fact, full of crap.

Yesterday, the official Facebook page of (noted misogynist and eugenics enthusiast) Richard Dawkins’ Foundation for Reason and Science shared the following image to their 637,000 fans:

Neither Reasonable Nor Scientific

Neither Reasonable Nor Scientific

Naturally, their fans lapped this shit up; after all, this is the kind of thing they absolutely live for. Religious people! Being hypocritical! And crazy! And wrong! The 2,000+ comments were chock-full of smug remarks about how naïve and stupid Christians were, accompanied by pats on the back for all the atheists who smart enough to see through all the religious bullshit and understand how the evil church had slyly appropriated all kinds of pagan traditions.

And you know what? That’s fine, I guess. I’m all for questioning religion and examining the sociological, historical and anthropological reasons that help explain the hows and whys of our lives today. I’m actually super fascinated by that kind of stuff, even if I do think that there’s a way to discuss it without making yourself sound smarter and more enlightened than the people around you.

But you guys? The image above is rife with misinformation. RIFE, I say.

Let’s start from the top:

This is Ishtar …

Okay, great. So far things are fairly accurate. The relief pictured here, known as the Burney Relief (also called the Queen of the Night relief) is widely considered to be an Ancient Babylonian representation of Ishtar (although some scholars believe that the woman depicted might be Lilitu or Ereshkigal). This relief is currently housed in the British Museum in London, but originates from southern Iraq and is nearly 4,000 years old.

… pronounced Easter.

Actually, in modern English we pronounce it the way it looks. A case could be made for pronouncing it Eesh-tar, but I have yet to come across a credible source that gives the original pronunciation as Easter.

Easter is originally the celebration of Ishtar, the Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of fertility and sex.

Ishtar was the goddess of love, war and sex. These days, thanks to Herodotus, she is especially associated with sacred prostitution* (also known as temple prostitution), which, in the religions of the Ancient Near East, allegedly took on the form of every woman having to, at some point in her life, go to the temple of Ishtar and have sex with the first stranger who offered her money. Once a woman entered the temple of Ishtar for the purpose of sacred prostitution, she was not allowed to leave until she’d done the deed. I can’t imagine that sacred prostitution sex was ever very good sex, but hey, what do I know? Probably some people were pretty into it – I mean, if you can imagine it, someone’s made porn about it, right?

Anyway, the point I am trying to make here is that, yes, Ishtar was associated with fertility and sex. However, her symbols were the lion, the gate and the eight-pointed star; I can’t find any evidence of eggs or rabbits symbolically belonging to her. And Easter has nothing to do with her.

Most scholars believe that Easter gets its name from Eostre or Ostara**, a Germanic pagan goddess. English and German are two of the very few languages that use some variation of the word Easter (or, in German, Ostern) as a name for this holiday. Most other European languages use one form or another of the Latin name for Easter, Pascha, which is derived from the Hebrew Pesach, meaning Passover. In French it’s Pâques, in Italian it’s Pasqua, in Dutch it’s Pasen, in Danish it’s Paaske, in Bulgarian it’s Paskha, and so on and so forth.

In the Christian Bible, Jesus returned to Jerusalem from his forty days in the desert just before Passover. In fact, in the Gospel according to John, Jesus was killed on the day before the first night of Passover, at the time when lambs were traditionally slaughtered for the Passover feast (because Jesus was the Lamb of God, etc. – SYMBOLISM, Y’ALL). There are a few differing accounts of when Jesus actually died, but most Christian texts, philosophers and scholars agree that it was around the time of Passover. Easter is still celebrated the week after Passover, which is why it’s a different day each year, because the Jewish calendar is lunar rather than solar.

Her symbols (like the egg and the bunny) were and still are fertility and sex symbols (or did you actually think eggs and bunnies had anything to do with the resurrection?).

Actually, according to Jacob Grimm’s Deutsche Mythologie, which he wrote after journeying across Germany and recording its oral mythological traditions, the idea of resurrection was part and parcel of celebrating the goddess Ostara:

OstaraEástre seems therefore to have been the divinity of the radiant dawn, of upspringing light, a spectacle that brings joy and blessing, whose meaning could be easily adapted by the resurrection-day of the christian’s God. Bonfires were lighted at Easter and according to popular belief of long standing, the moment the sun rises on Easter Sunday morning, he gives three joyful leaps, he dances for joy … Water drawn on the Easter morning is, like that at Christmas, holy and healing … here also heathen notions seems to have grafted themselves on great christian festivals. Maidens clothed in white, who at Easter, at the season of returning spring, show themselves in clefts of the rock and on mountains, are suggestive of the ancient goddess.”

Spring is a sort of resurrection after all, with the land coming back to life after lying dead and bare during the winter months. To say that ancient peoples thought otherwise is foolish, naïve and downright uninformed. Many, many pagan celebrations centre around the return of light and the rebirth of the land; these ideas are not new themes in the slightest.

And yes, rabbits and eggs are fertility symbols, and they are, in fact, associated with Eostre.

Ostara by Johannes Gehrts

Ostara by Johannes Gehrts

After Constantine decided to Christianize the Empire, Easter was changed to represent Jesus.

Hey! Guess what language Constantine, the Roman Emperor, spoke? Not English, that’s for sure! In fact, when he was alive, English didn’t even exist yet. He would have spoken Latin or Ancient Greek, so would likely have referred to Easter as Pascha or Πάσχα.

But at its roots Easter (which is pronounced Ishtar) was all about celebrating fertility and sex.

Look. Here’s the thing. Our Western Easter traditions incorporate a lot of elements from a bunch of different religious backgrounds. You can’t really say that it’s just about resurrection, or just about spring, or just about fertility and sex. You can’t pick one thread out of a tapestry and say, “Hey, now this particular strand is what this tapestry’s really about.” It doesn’t work that way; very few things in life do.

The fact is that the Ancient Romans were smart when it came to conquering. In their pagan days, they would absorb gods and goddesses from every religion they encountered into their own pantheon; when the Roman Empire became Christian, the Roman Catholic Church continued to do the same thing, in a manner of speaking.

And do you know why that worked so well? Because adaptability is a really, really good trait to have in terms of survival of the fittest (something I wish the present-day Catholic Church would remember). Scratch the surface of just about any Christian holiday, and you’ll find pagan elements, if not a downright pagan theme, underneath.

Know what else? Most Christians know this. Or, at least, most of the Christians that I’m friends with (which is, admittedly, a fairly small sampling). They know that Jesus wasn’t really born on December 25th, and they know that there were never any actual snakes in Ireland, and they know that rabbits and eggs are fertility symbols. But they don’t care, because they realize that religions evolve and change and that that’s actually a good thing, not a bad thing. The fact that many Christian saints are just re-imagined pagan gods and goddesses doesn’t alter their faith one iota; because faith isn’t about reason or sense, it’s about belief.

Look, go ahead and debate religion. Go ahead and tell Christians why what they believe is wrong. That’s totally fine and, in fact, I encourage it. A little debate and critical thinking are good for everyone. But do it intelligently. Get to know the Bible, so you actually know what you’re disagreeing with when you form an argument. Brush up on your theology so that you can explain why it’s so wrong. And have some compassion, for Christ’s sake – be polite and respectful when you enter into a debate, even when the person you’re debating with loses their cool. You want to prove that you’re better, more enlightened than Christians? Great, do it by remaining rational and level-headed in the face of someone who’s willing to stoop to personal attacks. To behave otherwise is to be just as bad as the people you’re debating.

Anyway, I hope you guys have a fantastic long weekend, no matter how you spend it. If your holiday involves chocolate, then I hope you enjoy that. If not, just enjoy the extra day or two off work and the (hopefully) warm weather. No matter what you believe in, I think that we can all agree that the end of winter and the rebirth of spring is worth celebrating.

And also? Richard Dawkins? You need to fact-check yourself before you fact-wreck yourself. Spreading this kind of misinformation to your foundation’s 637,000 fans is just plain irresponsible, especially coming from someone like you. Get with the program, buddy.

ETA: The post now seems to be removed from The Richard Dawkins’ Foundation for Science and Reason’s FB page. Thanks Richard! 

ETA Part Deux: Oh. It looks like it was deleted from their timeline but not the photo album. Welp.

*It should be noted that the only actual historical evidence that we have of sacred prostitution comes from Herodotus (I’ve included an excerpt from Herodotus’ Histories below) and no one is really sure how accurate it is. Herodotus is known for making shit up, like giant ants for example. But it makes for an amazing story and people still make the association between Ishtar and sacred prostitution, so I decided to mention it here.

The foulest Babylonian custom is that which compels every woman of the land to sit in the temple of Aphrodite and have intercourse with some stranger once in her life. Many women who are rich and proud and disdain to mingle with the rest, drive to the temple in covered carriages drawn by teams, and stand there with a great retinue of attendants. But most sit down in the sacred plot of Aphrodite, with crowns of cord on their heads; there is a great multitude of women coming and going; passages marked by line run every way through the crowd, by which the men pass and make their choice. Once a woman has taken her place there, she does not go away to her home before some stranger has cast money into her lap, and had intercourse with her outside the temple; but while he casts the money, he must say, “I invite you in the name of Mylitta” (that is the Assyrian name for Aphrodite). It does not matter what sum the money is; the woman will never refuse, for that would be a sin, the money being by this act made sacred. So she follows the first man who casts it and rejects no one. After their intercourse, having discharged her sacred duty to the goddess, she goes away to her home; and thereafter there is no bribe however great that will get her. So then the women that are fair and tall are soon free to depart, but the uncomely have long to wait because they cannot fulfil the law; for some of them remain for three years, or four. There is a custom like this in some parts of Cyprus.

That crack about ugly women was totally unnecessary, Herodotus. I am just saying.

**The first written reference we have for Eostre dates back to the 7th century AD and can be found in Venerable Bede’s Temporum Ratione, in a passage explaining that April was often referred to as Eostremonth:

“Eosturmonath” has a name which is now translated “Paschal month”, and which was once called after a goddess of theirs named Eostre, in whose honor feasts were celebrated in that month.

Jacob Grimm said that he found further evidence of Eostre and her associations with Easter, eggs and rabbits when researching his Deutsches Mythologie, although he was unable to discover any written records about her.

1,098 Responses to “Easter Is Not Named After Ishtar, And Other Truths I Have To Tell You”

  1. Jen March 27, 2016 at 11:30 am #

    You’re rambling. You’re not actually disproving anything.

    The point of the meme is to bring light to the fact that Christianity plaigerized the holiday. You can’t make the holiday about Jesus and say that he is the only one that matters and all other forms of worship are sacrilege, ….when the holiday was about (and still is) reflecting parallels of traditions, many of which preceded Jesus.

    Give respect and credit where it’s due.
    I hope to see this comment posted on your page…

  2. Roy March 27, 2016 at 12:44 pm #

    I love the line where you say “faith isn’t about reason or sense, it’s about faith.” That’s the exact thinking that has people blowing up airports in Belgium and bars in paris.

  3. Dan Chadders March 27, 2016 at 1:08 pm #

    I really, really enjoyed this article. Generally I make it a point never to argue about things I know about, as the pure fact that I am arguing means I am arguing with someone who is wrong and therefore an idiot, and I don’t have time for idiots. So generally I will only argue about things I know nothing about – like the bible. But in this case I am quite happy to read and take on a point of view: right OR wrong 🙂 Happy Easter!

  4. Annette Guida March 27, 2016 at 1:40 pm #

    This was informative and thorough.
    I was watching the news, before I came across this page. The origen of The “bunny”was stated as Dutch, 1700’s , It was just more reason to check out everything you read from reliable sources. It’s difficult and time consuming to understand and separate truth from myth. I simply want to say, “thanks for shedding some light” on the misconceptions and distortions that derive from almost everything read on this internet of opinions.

  5. Chase March 27, 2016 at 3:11 pm #

    Did you seriously use the bible as a notable reference of information? You’re the only smug one I see here.

  6. naomi March 27, 2016 at 3:21 pm #

    Ishtar has a ahkn on the top n dosent on the bottom ahkn is from ancient Egypt aka Kemet so how is she from a germanic pagan goddess unless the one on top is not ishtar

  7. Samson March 27, 2016 at 3:50 pm #

    Nice try, but Easter is named after the spring goddesses of fertility, even the tradition of painting eggs comes from most northern traditions. All allegorical symbols aside, it’s just a representation of the spring equinox in Aries which begins in March(Mars) 21. The Sun enters the underworld and everything dies during the winter, then once the Sun returns from the underworld and rises above the equator, everything comes back to life. He is risen! All religions and myths mark this astrological occurrence in a myth or tale. Aries is the ram or the Lamb, the Sun is the Son of God, Venus is fertility represented by eggs and rabbits ( think playboy magazine ). All these representations are present in all Christian systems.

  8. Joey March 27, 2016 at 4:58 pm #

    The irony of this post is hilarious. People quoting the bible to prove their point is like using Harry Potter to disprove Lord of The Rings. Hey but whatever gives you reassurance, who am I to take that from someone. Have a good Easter… Or Ishtar. Or however you pronounce it

  9. Madeleine Adkins March 27, 2016 at 5:28 pm #

    For the record, while there is a Passover-Easter connection, it doesn’t always play out with the two holidays overlapping or very close in date. That is because Judaism and Christianity work on different calendars. The Jewish calendar–yes, it’s lunar, but it also has a solar correction that takes place every few years–sets the Passover date. On years when there is a thirteenth month, such as this year, 5776, Passover begins much later on the Gregorian calendar (the one that most of Christianity has its holidays based upon), April 22. So for most Christians, Easter is way *ahead* of Passover this year. The Orthodox Christians, btw, have their own calendar, quite different from most of the Christians in the west, so their Easter is not now–it falls on May 1 this year.

  10. Jamie March 27, 2016 at 6:19 pm #

    You made a good point Easter is celebrated after Passover… At least for some. This year the Passover isn’t till April. But we Western Easter will be before this date aligning to a pagon holiday.. Thus the problem you are seeing

  11. Jasprstar March 27, 2016 at 6:39 pm #

    I love how you defend a pagan holiday with more paganism!!! I mean, let’s get the right goddess!!!
    Bottom line is: Christians are supposed to be following Jesus’ example.
    Jesus followed the word of his father.
    His father commanded all who love him to have NOTHING to do with ANYTHING that was made to honor FALSE GODS.
    That would include pretty much ever holiday ceebrated today!
    Don’t think it much matters which pagan goddess it was. Symbolism and brainwashing are powerful tools. Less evil does not mean good, or even right.


  12. Richard Weed March 27, 2016 at 6:49 pm #

    I’ve never see so much bullshit discussed and meagerly explained in such a way that you didn’t do nothing but explain away what everyone knows already. What a freaking moron. Who cares if you’re somewhat informed. Go find a subject you may be good at. You’re damn sure not a teach. You just like to WRIGHT you freakin’ dipshit!!!

  13. Tori March 27, 2016 at 7:03 pm #

    One problem, you mention Romans didnt speak English , but Greek or Latin, correct. However, Greek Orthodox Catholic doesnt celebrate Easter at the same time as Roman Catholic. Roman Catholic changed much of the religion to fit their needs and gains.

  14. Jeff March 27, 2016 at 7:10 pm #

    Christians are idiots. All religious people are idiots. Not one holiday we celebrate is related to Christians in any way. They stole them. That Facebook post is moving people away from bs made up stories and characters.

  15. Truthinhistory March 27, 2016 at 7:23 pm #

    Happy Ishtar…

  16. Gerry March 27, 2016 at 7:26 pm #

    Great article, only one thing. The Easter bunny is only a rabbit in English, orignally it is a hare. Osterhase in German, Paashaas in Dutch.

  17. Bryan March 27, 2016 at 7:27 pm #

    The only reason non-Christians throw this stuff in Christians faces is because, unlike the writer of this article, the rest of us have had ‘remember the reason for the season’ thrown in our face for years. Apparently the writer of this article has had the good fortune of only ever meeting open minded and inclusive Christians. What a treat for him!

    The writer makes assumptions that all Christians are enlightened and ‘already know that’. On the other hand, it states that everyone else is being petty.

    My only other thought is to the origins of Ishtar, Eostre or Ostara. It is highly likely that Eostre evolved out of Ishtar. Similar to how the Christian God evolved from Oden, according to some scholars.

  18. Jeremiah Sprague March 27, 2016 at 8:46 pm #

    Faith isn’t about reason or sense? I guess it that’s the way you think I question why I’m reading your article.

  19. andi March 27, 2016 at 9:14 pm #

    When I do some math about this issue and calculate present time back to 800 AD, there are approximately 1200 years in the interim, loosely speaking. Then if we can loosely figure that there are say, four generations per 100 years (probably more actually but I’ll use 4 generations). That means this information must have traveled through 4800 persons to get here, now in present time. This makes me think of the child’s game called something like ‘pass the message’ where people sit in a circle and pass a message on to the person beside them. When the message travels around the group, the message is full of inaccuracies. Do we really know what is true after so many stories, personalities and time. It is a well known fact is that ‘people lie’ to make look better, smarter, brighter….just saying….
    Not wanting to offend anyone but felt I had to respond.

  20. Tal March 27, 2016 at 10:20 pm #

    For the record, in Hebrew (which is related to the Semitic Akkadian language) she is called “Ashtoret”. Based on what I know of Akkadian phonology I assume that this is also how the Babylonians called her.

  21. EJ March 27, 2016 at 10:29 pm #

    There are many Pastors today, that support the Ishtar theory. And Easter Sunday never falls on the same date! Hello!!!! And where in the bible do you see bunnies and eggs as a representation to the resurrection???

  22. Chris March 27, 2016 at 11:16 pm #

    You are literally too stupid to insult

  23. Michael Combs March 27, 2016 at 11:30 pm #

    Those are some interesting details. But, your commentary is very slanted. Have you considered that many of the Pagan gods of western Europe, and the middle east trace back to Babylon? Appoylion is Nimrod. Ishtar is Samiramis.

  24. Ellis Arseneau March 28, 2016 at 12:11 am #

    “Easter is still celebrated the week after Passover, which is why it’s a different day each year, because the Jewish calendar is lunar rather than solar.”

    WRONG! If this were true, Easter would always coincide with the Passover, which it only does every few years. The truth is that Easter is the first Sunday after the first Full Moon, after the Vernal (Spring) Equinox. You can easily verify this with Google.

    Otherwise, the article is right on.

  25. Ki March 28, 2016 at 12:12 am #

    Also when you say they dont care becauae ita relihious whayever make sure you mention how it was also a genocide some things you may not cover fully because it has nothing to do with you -black ppl

  26. Chuck March 28, 2016 at 12:22 am #

    So it is pagan, and it is all about fertility, and so on. Great, thanks for clearing that one up.

  27. Aidan Howard March 28, 2016 at 12:37 am #

    Most of what you say is quite valid, except for one point… the pronunciation. In Semitic and Arabic languages the letters S and SH are almost indistinguishable to the non-Semitic or non-Arabic ear. The SH was not the harsh sound that we have in English (like “shall”), by which we may even wonder why the letter S is even attached to an H at all (by which we may equally wonder what the P in the PH has to do with F). Ours are utterly different. But when we recall that the Jewish name Simeon (Simon) was actually written as Shimeon, and Sabbat (Sabbath) was written as Shabbat, and Jesua (Jesus) was written as Jeshua/Joshua, we see that the SH was no more than a strongly breathed S, but is still so weak by comparison that it has been invariably Europeanised as an S. For this reason, the name Ishtar was in fact pronounced very closely to Ees’tah(r), where the S is not the palatal sibilant of English, but a breathed linguo-dental… Imagine trying to blow out a candle by placing the tongue almost right on the back of the teeth and then forcing out an S.

  28. T March 28, 2016 at 12:37 am #

    I am all for everyone believing what they choose but I do have one question about this attempt to correct what is claimed as misinformation. Above you state “Easter is still celebrated the week after Passover, which is why it’s a different day each year, because the Jewish calendar is lunar rather than solar.”
    Well Easter 2016 is March 27th but Passover is April 22nd – April 30th
    So I’m confused on how Easter is celebrated the week before Passover.

  29. Richard March 28, 2016 at 1:27 am #

    Your post in no way proves or disproves the origin of Easter. In any case it is totally irrelevant. Christians believe in JC and it is important to them. Many other religions do not, and that is fine too.
    No need to go on a religious crusade.

  30. Shane March 28, 2016 at 2:13 am #

    Fiction, even when “based on real events” is bound to have detractors. Do “scholars” ever agree on anything?

  31. I'm no Rabbi March 28, 2016 at 4:04 am #

    While I can’t speak to the veracity of the pagan foundations, I found something from a Jewish stand point that needs correcting. While I have no doubt Easter moves around the calendar in an attempt to follow Passover. This year (being a Jewish leap year) Passover falls almost a month behind Easter. Future more, it was stated that the Jewish calendar is a Lunar calendar. This is only half right. The Jewish calendar is a lunisolar calendar. While the Jewish months are delineated by the lunar cycle, the year itself follows the solar cycle. An additional month is added every two or three years to ensure that season sensitive holidays (such as Passover) occur during the same agricultural time of year. Otherwise this was an interesting read.

  32. michelle March 28, 2016 at 4:28 am #

    Luke 3-24-2016 – is correct. History just doesn’t back itself into the present…But is a foundation upon the recent, the present sits upon the shoulders of what came before…

  33. josh March 28, 2016 at 4:50 am #

    Jesus died in Japan


  34. Mark March 28, 2016 at 5:24 am #

    After reading this, the author clearly doesn’t understand, that the Egyptians, and their also borrowed Gods, from Hindu, came WAY before the Germans.

    This retaliation, doesn’t retaliate anything except to prove that Easter isn’t about Jesus.

    Basically, everything, was meant to symbolize SPRING, and the rebirth and growth of our planet, Earth, where we attributed stories to emphasize the importance of spring, and it’s eternal blooming of its inhabitants.

  35. Kadmiel March 28, 2016 at 10:10 am #

    You dont know what you are saying >>>”Most Christians know this. Or, at least, most of the Christians that I’m friends with (which is, admittedly, a fairly small sampling). They know that Jesus wasn’t really born on December 25th, and they know that there were never any actual snakes in Ireland, and they know that rabbits and eggs are fertility symbols. But they don’t care, because they realize that religions evolve and change and that that’s actually a good thing, not a bad thing. The fact that many Christian saints are just re-imagined pagan gods …..
    You are as ignorant as the people celebrating the festivity. Christianity is not a business enterprise that must evolve to suit the present demands of the people. You are worshipping a god and he tells you how you shd worship him.

    In Math 7:13.. 13  You are destroying the word of God through your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many other things like that.”
    Why shd tradition dictate for you and you could say is it doesn’t change your faith.
    Cain and Abel were to offer sacrifices, cain chose what he wanted to use to worship him and what he thinks was right. God rejected his worship bcos he wasn’t expecting such worship. Stop those sentiments and pollutions.

  36. Kat Frederick March 28, 2016 at 10:16 am #

    “Easter is still celebrated the week after Passover, which is why it’s a different day each year, because the Jewish calendar is lunar rather than solar.”

    Actually this statement isn’t true! There have been years, when Easter and the start of Pesach (Passover) have been on the exact same day, and other times when Pesach was 2 weeks before Easter. This year, for example, Pesach doesn’t start ’til April 22, 2016 almost a month AFTER Easter!

    So, how can you say that Easter is STILL celebrated the week AFTER Pesach, when it isn’t???

  37. Blowme March 28, 2016 at 10:35 am #

    My god that was s long winded diatribe attempting to dubunk and ultimately only reinforcing the salient points made. Religion is a farce. Get over your self aggrandizing bullshit. Treat people with kindness because it is the right thing to do and drop your pseudo imtelintellectual defense of what is indefensible.

  38. Jesus of bethlafuck March 28, 2016 at 10:42 am #

    it’s a moot point because Jesus and “god” are not real, never have been and never will be.
    it’s just the greatest story ever told. in fact Christianity stole everything from every other story to make it’s story. then demanded by blood and death that it was the one true “religion” – fact.

  39. Lia Domingues March 28, 2016 at 11:36 am #

    Ok, there is a piece of info missing.
    The hare (and not the rabbit) was the animal dedicated to Eostre.
    Because hare was the first animal to give birth after the end of winter.
    And the chickens begin to lay eggs when their eyes receive more than 12 hours of light, another sign of spring arrival.
    That’s why the egg and the hare (not the rabbit) are the symbols of Easter.

  40. Vic March 28, 2016 at 12:50 pm #

    Many other faiths and religions were around long long before Christianity, therefore it would seem sensible to think that there must be similarities among certain celebrations/festivals. Many Christian traditions are derivative of ancient pagan rituals anyway

  41. Janet Sunderland March 28, 2016 at 2:00 pm #

    Well, dear man, you also need to fact check because Easter doesn’t always follow Passover. Often, yes, but not always.

  42. Bea March 28, 2016 at 2:43 pm #

    Everything in the Hebrew/Christian bible was taken from Ancient Pagan Texts that pre-dated it by thousands of years. This has been proven time and time again, and is becoming harder and harder to deny. By examining various Ancient Pagan Texts and comparing the epics and stories within with the bible, it can be clearly seen how the bible has simply copied these texts, only changing a few minor details such as the names of people or places.

    Of course, there is one question that is bound to arise. How can we be certain that christianity copied from the Pagans, and not the other way around? Well, first, the Pagan Texts predated the christian Texts by some good 1000 years. This rules out any possibility of the Pagan’s having copied.

    One good example of this copying of Text is the story of “Noah’s Ark”. A very similar epic appeared some thousands of years before the bible in Ancient Sumeria. Only, in the Ancient Sumerian Epic, Enki (The God of Science and Engineering) appeared to Ziusudra and instructed him to build a boat that would be able to withstand a large wave of water, as some of the other Gods had been planning to let humanity suffer in the coming deluge. Enki also instructed Ziusudra to take onto the boat the “seeds of life”, so that after the flood, life could be sustained on earth once again.

    This epic appeared thousands of years before “Noah’s Ark” of the bible.

    There are tons of other examples. Everything in the bible, even down to the “star characters” has it’s Pagan match and was stolen from Pagan Texts.

    – Monotheism was stolen from Egyptian Akhenaton

    – Creation was stolen from the Egyptian Creation

    – Yahweh’s use of the word to create was stolen from the Egyptians (Jewish Yaweh replaces Ptah)

    – Let there be Light” was stolen from the Theban Creation epic.

    – The “firmament in the midst of the waters…” was stolen from the Egyptian Creation

    – Adam and Eve were stolen from the Egyptian Geb and Nut

    – Eve coming from Adam’s rib was stolen from the Epic of Enki and Ninhursag: “My brother what hurts thee?
    “My rib hurts me”
    ANET, 41.
    Ninti who’s name means
    “Lady of the Rib” cured Enki’s rib

    – Adam and Eve’s punishment and loss of immortality were stolen from the Mesopotamian story of Adapa
    (Jewish Yaweh replaces Sumerian Enki)

    – Cain, Abel and Seth were stolen from Osiris, Set and Horus

    – The conflict between Cain and Abel was stolen from Set and Osiris and as the story goes on, it is later based upon the Sumerian Dumuzi and Enkimdu

    – Samson was stolen from Heracles,

    – The putting out of his eyes is based on Oedipus

    – The pulling down of the pillars was stolen from the Egyptian tale about Re-Herakhte

    – Jacob and the Ladder was stolen from the Egyptian Funerary Rituals for the deceased King
    “Hail to thee, O Ladder of God, Hail to thee, O Ladder of Set. Stand up O Ladder of God, Stand up O Ladder of Set, stand up O Ladder of Horus, whereon Osiris went forth into heaven.” “The Egyptian Ladder consisting of the bodies of two Egyptian deities upon which Osiris ascends into heaven, has been replaced by a ladder with several supernatural beings, angels, climbing up and down between earth and heaven.”

    – Moses was stolen from several Gods and kings, depending on what stage of his life story:
    Sargon (the birth and abandonment in the river, being rescued by royalty, etc)

    – The wanderings in the desert were based upon the Sun-God Bacchus as seen in the Hymns of Orpheus

    – The Hebrew stint of “40 years in the desert” claimed in the Jewish book of Exodus and the subsequent “40 day and 40 nights” wanderings in the desert of the Jewish Nazarene were stolen from:
    “The struggle of Set and Horus in the desert lasted forty days, as commemorated in the forty days of the Egyptian Lent, during which time Set, as the power of drought and sterility, made war on Horus in the water and the buried germinating grain….These forty days have been extended into forty years, and confessedly so by the Jews.”

    – Joshua was stolen from the Egyptian Deities Shu and Nun.

    – Deborah was stolen from the Egyptian Goddess Neith

    – Noah was stolen from Sumerian Ziusudra
    The fictitious Jewish God Yaweh in the Noah story replaced the Sumerian God Enlil, aka Beelzebub

    – Noah’s son Jewish Ham was stolen from Belus

    – Nimrod was stolen from the Egyptian Pharaoh Sesostris

    – Abraham was stolen from King Hariscandra of the Hindu Sankhayana-Sutras

    – Isaac was stolen from King Hariscandra’s son Rohita
    The fictitious Jewish God Yaweh in this story replaced the Hindu God Varuna

    – Daniel was stolen from Egyptian Neferti

    – Jonah and the whale; Jonah was stolen from the Hindu character “Saktideva” found in the Somadeva Bhatta.

    – The “Twelve Tribes of Israel” like the Twelve Disciples of Christ are based upon the twelve signs of the Zodiac.

    – Lot and his wife were stolen from the Greek Orpheus and Eurydice Jewish Yaweh replaces the Greek God Hades

    – Jacob and Jewish Esau were stolen from Horus and Set

    – Rebekah was stolen from The Egyptian Goddess Isis

    – Joseph with the eleven brothers was stolen from Egyptian Psammetichus

    – Joseph and Potipher’s wife stolen from Egyptian Anubis and Bata

    – “The Ten Plagues” against Egypt were grossly exaggerated and altered and stolen from the Ipuwer Papyrus

    – The Ten commandments was stolen from The Code of Hammurabi Jewish Yaweh replaces the Sumerian Sun God Shamash aka Azazel

    – David killing Philistine Goliath were stolen from Thor throwing a hammer at Hrungnir and striking him in the forehead.

    – Job was stolen from Ugaritic Keret and Yaweh (YHW(V)H replaces the Canaanite God “El.”

    – “Job,” was stolen from a story written in the Ugaritic language (Cuneiform Script), composed circa 1400 BCE by “Ilimilku The Scribe.” This epic involves “Keret” and the God “El.” NOT Job and Jehova. Keret’s family tragedies and illness are comparable with the story of Job. In the original tale, “Satan” never even entered into the picture. Here, Jewish Yehovah replaces El.

  43. Mukti March 28, 2016 at 2:46 pm #

    I confess that I took advantage of the convenience of the name etc. yet I’m even more guilty because having read all of Sitchin’s books, I must admit that I knew better.
    Yet please help me here?
    Why in your article about Ishtar there is no mention of her lover Dumuzu?
    Are we in fact not addressing the same person. Thank you. Mukti

  44. Clisby Patterson March 28, 2016 at 4:06 pm #

    Nice … Thank you

  45. Fred Jack March 28, 2016 at 4:17 pm #

    Actually in the 60s we were taught the Ishtar version in religion class in my Catholic School, but not that Constitine had anything to do with it nor when. My take is that both are true, but at different times and places. The Church did that sort of thing wherever the went. So I think both Ostera and Ishtar are right.

  46. Noname March 28, 2016 at 5:16 pm #

    Do you have a list of sources? Remember how in school we’re taught to have a list of sources?


  1. Ishtar and Missinformation – Liatach.net - March 27, 2016

    […] A cursory google produced this well articulated deconstruction of the idea. They claim that the image originated on the Richard Dawkins fbook page. Which necessitates sharing this pertinent flow chart. […]

  2. Easter atau Passover? – Pondering Grace - March 27, 2016

    […] apakah mungkin bahwa istilah Easter berasal dari istilah dan perayaan kafir? Sangat mungkin. Bellejar menyatakan bahwa hampir semua sarjana meyakini istilah Easter berasal dari nama seorang dewi pagan […]

  3. EASTER Was And Will Always Be a Pagan Holiday – A Holiday of The Gentiles | The Hebrew Scholar: Identifying a People & Fulfilling a Prophesy - March 27, 2016

    […] Easter Is Not Named After Ishtar, And Other Truths I Have To Tell You […]

  4. Sad, Smug Ignorance on Display in Dawkins Easter/Ishtar Graphic | Thinking Christian - March 28, 2016

    […] would be to give it a good knowledgeable point-by-point answer, a fisking. Anne Thériault has done this admirably at her blog The Belle Jar. Those who are inclined to believe what’s in the graphic should […]

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